A return to tramping

Mangamingi kiwi family photo

When I am in the outdoors I can feel the layers peeling off and falling away.  It is like nothing else matters but existing in that space and time.  My mind calms and it is all about the movement of my body and the wonderful living world around me.  It is slower, simpler and quieter.  When we spend time in the wild Sean and I rarely wish to return home.  We used to tease Sam on our tramping trips to isolated places that we would buy the nearest dwelling on an unsealed road, with no wifi, and live off the land.  He was always horrified.  We would have been in our element.  Yesterday we decided Rory had built up enough strength and stamina to walk the track to Rex’s Hut in the Totara Block at Mangamingi.  Our visit was perfectly timed as Sue (Taranaki Kiwi Trust) and Jen (Forest and Bird) were going to be on site checking on the kiwi which were translocated into the forest last year.  Rory did amazingly well on our walk and was happy to be out in the green again.  It had been at least 18 months since his last ‘tramp’.  While we were close by Sue and Jen caught female kiwi Rex.  She is the mate to The Hulk, the kiwi Rory named last year.  The boys were able to hold Rex while she had her measurements taken and they saw her get a transmitter change.  They were both enamoured of her and thought The Hulk had very good taste. 

Our family walks with Rory help build up his stamina.  He is always supported by Sean or I on one side as he is unbalanced and unco-ordinated.  Last Sunday we walked the beach from Mokau to Awakino.  It is long, flat and sandy so the easiest for Rory to move along.  It was rougher on the beach than we expected and very windy.  The foam on the edge of the tide was blowing up the beach like little clouds.  Colt likened the patterns of flying sand to spirits.  It was crazy.  There is always something to discover; skeleton of a dead sheep, porcupine fish, a basket off a fishing vessel containing tiny spider-like crabs.  The sessions at Next Level Fitness continue four times a week with Dane.  They are the best investment for Rory each week.  He would not have recovered as quickly without them. 

In addition to finding joy outdoors Rory has started Woodwork/Hard materials at Inglewood High with the support of a Teacher Aide.  It is a subject he loves.  He has a project to work on which he chose.  He is also enjoying volunteering at Conductive Education with Natasha and riding on Peggy at Riding for Disabled.  Last week he was able to ride with his friend Jake so it was doubly enjoyable. 

Thank you to Sue and Jen for the wonderful kiwi experience.