A cheeky courageous teenager who fought brain cancer in 2009 and is fighting bone cancer in 2019 and 2020

Rory Gardiner is the middle son of Leigh Honnor and Sean Gardiner. Rory is 20 years old, little brother to Sam who is 23 and big brother to Colt who is 12. Rory currently volunteers with a number of organisations in Taranaki and studies part-time at WITT.

Patea Arana and Colt Jul 24

Back pain

Jul 27, 2024

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PG Nops July 2024


Jul 14, 2024

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Rory NPDC volunteeer award June 2024 3


Jun 28, 2024

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IJ Honnor TDN 2018

We will see you again Poppa

Jun 15, 2024

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Height Rory and Colt June 2024

Swift growth

Jun 9, 2024

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Overlander trial May 2024

In love with the Overlander

May 25, 2024

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Matemateaonga Whanganui National Park May 2024


May 11, 2024

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Icicle Taranaki maunga Apr 24

Quality time

Apr 28, 2024

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Birthday boys Mar 24

Three generations

Apr 13, 2024

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