Back to school for Colt

Colt returned to Inglewood Primary School today.  He has been absent for three months primarily due to Covid19 and then the risk he may bring home a viral illness at this late stage of Rory’s treatment.  Rory will have one more dose of methotrexate next week and then he will have completed the MAP chemotherapy protocol.  We decided it was time Colt returned.  His attendance at school over the last nine months has been sporadic.  Colt has become a bit wild and grown up a lot because of what he has been exposed to.  It will be good for him to be with his friends and return to being a ‘normal’ nine year old boy.

Rory’s methotrexate level on Saturday afternoon was 0.08.  It is taking longer to expel the last of the methotrexate from his system.  As he has not suffered from mucositis the doctors have been willing to discharge him at the slightly elevated level with oral leucovorin for 24 hours.  Prior to discharge Rory received a repeat dose of IV pentamidine, an antibiotic to guard against pneumonia.  We decided to drive home late Saturday to avoid the blasting of rock in the Awakino Gorge.  Rory has had a quiet couple of days at home as typical Taranaki weather has finally returned.