Beginning the last of things

I have started to feel the finality of Rory’s treatment.  Today was the last Friday pre-chemo blood test at the Children’s Ward at Taranaki Base Hospital.  I have started packing for the last treatment stay at Starship and RM House.  However, we cannot say the words final, last and remission with any certainty until we receive the results of the scan which Rory will have on Monday morning.  If the scan is NED (no evidence of disease) then the ground beneath our feet will stop shaking and the foundation under our lives will feel a bit more solid.   It is a very unnerving time. 

Rory had a blood test at the Children’s Ward this morning and his platelets (150) and neutrophils (2.9) are good enough for chemo to proceed.  Yesterday we had lunch with the Environment Services team from Taranaki Regional Council.  This is the team Sean works with and hopefully I will work with once Rory is well enough.  It was lovely to see everyone but I feel very out of touch.  This second journey with Rory has changed me and I think I will also need a period of rehabilitation to find myself and rebuild. 

Thank you to the Inglewood Red Cross for their generous donation.  This will be a huge help during Rory’s recovery.  Thank you to Don for coming out in the rain to deliver it.