Full time care

It is always my intention when we come home to take a little time out.  To take the time to do the things we love which help us feel whole.  It never turns out that way.  All the things we have ignored, and other new things, appear before us like a mushroom cloud.  They obscure our vision so it is impossible to do anything else.  It all has to be completed in a very condensed time period so I remain under pressure, albeit in a better location.  Currently I am unpacking and repacking, applying for funding for Rory’s Hippocampe Chair, organising Rory and Colts return to school (which for Rory is very difficult), speaking with my Manager at Taranaki Regional Council so I can try and resume working a few hours each week during chemotherapy, managing the household and meeting with a lawyer to finalise the application for Power of Attorney for Rory as he turns 18 in March.  Everything takes a lot longer than before as Rory needs a very high level of support and is very slow.  He needs help mobilising, with his personal care, eating and managing medical needs.  He is at high risk of a fall which would have disastrous consequences.  Caring for Rory has become a full-time job. 

A huge thank you to the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation for an Activity Fund grant which will cover half of the cost of the Hippocampe All Terrain Chair for Rory. We are thrilled.