Fungi survivors

Fungi 2022

In Taranaki when the weather turns cooler and wetter it is fungi season.  This year appears to be particularly good as the temperature has been mild and it is very wet.  We have a diverse variety of fungi in Aotearoa.  They are colourful, come in an amazing array of forms and sizes and yet appear incredibly delicate.  They are a good analogy for the current state of our life.  There is a lot going on.  Sean and I are both feeling overwhelmed.  It feels like there is more than we can do.  On occasion we bite off more than we can chew, usually in regard to Rory.  The new puppy Leo has increased the pressure.  A new puppy is a lot of work and some tasks Rory isn’t able to do.  Leo needs feeding and cleaning up after, plus he is timid of people so we are working hard to provide him with a high level of socialisation.  I am working full time plus continuing to work my way through Rory’s ACC claim and manage the medical appointments and Support Carers.  Sean is contracting, completing practical household tasks and providing direct support to Rory when the Carers are unavailable.  The shortened days and wet weather make things harder.  There is the endless washing, the challenge of getting exercise and outdoors (without contributing further to the mountain of washing), managing Rory in wet conditions and the constant bickering between Rory and Colt who are in each others space more than they can handle.  Yet I look at the fungi when we go walk about and I see, in spite of their fragility, they are survivors.  So are we.  I know feeling overwhelmed is just a phase.  All we need to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and it will pass.  There will be brighter days. 

This week Rory has his first afternoon with Support Carer Caleb.  It went well.  They are a similar age so Rory enjoyed having another young man to talk to.  Rory has been to the NP Men’s Shed where he continues to make blocks for Gabby’s Starlit Hope.  The WITT students went to a NZSO musical recital.  It surprised me how much Rory enjoyed it.  They also made bird feeders and cooked corn fritters.  Rory and Natasha returned to Doggy Day care after a week’s absence due to kennel cough.  On Thursday morning Rory went to Peter’s house so there was room for them to work on a dog kennel for Leo.  Sean was sent packing as Peter had cleaned out his work shed to make it easier for Rory to manoeuvre and work.  On Friday Sean and Rory had a session at the Junction dismantling electronics.  They have taken over the weekly grocery shopping and new and interesting items keep appearing on the receipt.