
Mellowpuff Trust football Sept 2022

If we lose Rory I intend to close the doors on cancer.  While I am I am grateful for the incredible people and experiences in our lives I will unfollow the Facebook pages, discontinue membership of the groups and cancel the publications we receive.  If cancer robs me of Rory I don’t intend to let it continue to be a player in my life.  There are other parents who are stronger than I am, who can see past cancer.  They desire to pay forward the love and generosity and deliver on a promise to their children.  Two such parents are Sarah from Gabbys Starlit Hope and Terry from the Mellowpuff Trust .  The legacy of their daughters Gabby and Mel adds significant value in our community.  Yesterday afternoon we attended a charity football match between the Mellowpuff Trust and NP Rangers Football Club.  Uncle Guy played in support of Rory (Sean and Sam were side lined due to old injuries).  It was great to see the players giving their time and enthusiasm for such a great cause. 

This week Rory had a second meeting with Psychologist Andy.  Unfortunately he turned his right ankle at WITT getting into Tash’s car so he missed Doggy Day Care.  He was lucky he didn’t have a nasty fall.  It was timely that Sean took him to an Orthotics appointment supported by ACC.  He will get new orthotics specially constructed to provide improved support and stability to his feet.  On Thursday morning Peter was absent chasing birds (the feathered kind) but Rory was able to attend NP Men’s Shed with the support of Phil and Dave. 

Congratulations to my good friend Mandy and her company Smokeylemon for their 21st birthday.  When Rory was first diagnosed with cancer in 2009 communication was a challenge.  Lots of caring people wanted to know how he was, what was happening and how they could help.  It was exhausting trying to respond at a time when our world had shrunk to the four of us and traumatic life and death decisions.  Mandy gifted us a website, which seemed an odd thing to offer.  However, it has proved invaluable.  It has given Rory and our family a voice.  We have been able to share the journey he/we are on, not just within our extended whanau, but the community and even across the globe.  Blogging has been a way for me to order my mind and expel my feelings.  It has helped keep me sane.  It has also brought special people to our door who have done wonderful things to increase the quality of Rory’s life.  Thank you Mandy and the Smokeylemon team  xox