Happy Mother's Day

High tea Gabbys Starlit Hope

Today’s blog is dedicated to mothers.  To my mother Heather and mother-in law Sandy, to mothers of angels, to lion mothers whose children face difficulties and challenges in their lives, to the mothers on Ward 27B, to my family and friends who are mothers.  I love you and I think you are amazing.  I am not a natural mother.  I was never the kind of girl who was drawn to babies and children.  I wanted to change the world.  Our first-born son Sam was a surprise.  I have had to learn how to be a mother.  I haven’t always known what to do and I have made mistakes.  The mothers around me have inspired me.  I am blown away by the unconditional love you give your children, of your courage, the depth of your giving and how you support them to reach for the stars.  You have made me a better mother.  I am lucky to have you in my life.  xox

Rory’s platelets were too low for the next dose of methotrexate.  On Friday they were 35 and they need to be 50.  I am taking Rory to the hospital this morning for a repeat blood test.  Unfortunately platelets can languish in the low 40s so unless they are 47ish or higher we will not travel today.  Our bags are packed but we will not know whether to go until mid-morning.  If Rory’s platelets are still too low we will retest on Tuesday morning.  I am also concerned Rory’s haemoglobin will have fallen further and he will need a red blood cell transfusion today.  We will have to wait and see. 

We had morning tea with Nana and Poppa early for Mother’s Day.  Yesterday morning we walked a loop including the Te Henui walkway in New Plymouth.  There was some excitement as we dashed in between the large waves crashing onto the coastal walkway due to the full moon and king tide.  It was nice to spend some time with Sam and Caitlyn yesterday afternoon.  They came over to cut Colt’s hair and add blonde highlights.  Colt looks like someone different. 

Thank you to Tui for the feijoas and the Bignell whanau for help with our wiring.

Thank you for the wonderful package which was delivered yesterday for Mother’s Day from Gabby’s Starlit Hope and Theory Food – a high tea, lunch for our trip to Auckland and frozen Rainbow meals for while we are away.  The high tea was delicious and so generous we were able to share some with a couple of other special mothers.  What a fantastic treat.