I don't have the energy

Rory Beads 13 Nov

“I don’t have the energy” is a phrase I hear from Rory several times a day.  He is neutropenic, grey and unsteady on his feet.  What I am concerned about most is that in his mind he considers himself to be sick, so it is ok to let things slide.  He spends most of the day lying on the couch watching movies or getting pushed around in the wheelchair.  He sometimes says he is bored but then gives up on things soon after he starts.  There is a long road ahead of us.  We need to help him maintain a positive mental attitude, no matter how tough it is, and encourage him to keep doing as many of the little things in his life as he can.    

The highlights of the weekend have been a walk on the coastal walkway in New Plymouth.  Rory catches everyone’s eye in the wheelchair, especially when he wears a mask in crowded places.  He says it doesn’t bother him.  We joke if we had $1 for every time someone stares we would be rich.  Colt attended his friend Adam’s 9th birthday which even included a dip in their outdoor pool!  We had a lovely visit from Uncle Matt and Auntie Vanessa.  They are passionate about the environment like we are.  It is lovely to have them living close by in Inglewood.  They spoiled us with fresh meat and produce from the farm and slipped us an envelope to help with expenses.  Thank you both for understanding xox