Posted 14 months ago Less than a minute to read
Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas. I hope you are as lucky as we are today to be surrounded by the people you love, enjoying delicious kai and sharing special surprise gifts.
Rory has had a couple of busy weeks as his activities have wound up for 2023, attending the Junction and Doggy Day Care Christmas functions. He has shown a sudden interest in swimming with new Support Carer Shaun. They have been to Ngamotu Beach and the Waiwhakaiho River. We will need to keep an eye on water testing results ( ) to determine if it is safe for him to swim. Rory spent a Sunday morning with Support Carer Shelley at The Shed Market in Inglewood. He sold a couple of the boards he made with Peter at the Mens Shed. Sean and Rory met with the Co-ordinator of Community Connections to learn more and see if this was something we wanted to pursue. Community Connections brings together small groups of young adults with disabilities. Collectively they employ a Facilitator to support their independence and social activities.
Rory has had a visit to the new adult Dermatologist at Taranaki Base Hospital. She removed a mole from the middle of his upper back, in the radiation field. The results are inconclusive but concerning. The biopsy sample has been sent to Waikato for a second opinion. He will likely need additional surgery to remove the peripheral margin tissue. The wound has healed well and he has had the 3 stitches out. Rory had a visit from OT Dianne. She brought a frame for our ensuite toilet to provide better support until a rail is built. She is currently organising mobility scooter trials.
The joy of the last fortnight was Colt’s 13th birthday. He had a sleepover with five of his closest friends. They had a great time together biking on the Coastal walkway, swimming at the Aquatic Centre, consuming plenty of good food, gaming and a lot of late night silliness. It was a sad time for me when I walked Colt home from IPS for the last time. He has officially finished primary/intermediate. As one door closes another opens.