Preparing for surgery

Campbells Bay to Murrays Bay path Sean Rory Colt min

This morning we were in denial.  We drove north across the Auckland harbour bridge to Campbells Bay.  We followed the path to Murrays Bay, Rory walking intermittently when the wheelchair struck soft sand.  It was wonderful to be by the sea lost in the crowd of other walkers and all breeds of dogs.  We called in to Beach Wheels in Albany to look at their range of mobility aids so we can continue to take Rory into the outdoors.  We were impressed with the Hippocampe All Terrain Wheelchair and will be looking into funding options so we can purchase one for him. 

This afternoon has been full on.  Rory was admitted to Ward 74 (Ear Nose Throat) at Auckland Hospital.  He is fortunate to have his own room (Rm 10).  He has had a blood test, an EEG and there has been a steady stream of Doctors and Nurses in and out of his room preparing for surgery tomorrow, including anaesthetists and the surgical team headed by Dr Nick.  They have provided us with a lot more detail about surgery and what to expect afterwards.  It is frightening.  Dr Kath has been in to offer support and check we are coping.  Rory has never been a patient at Auckland Hospital as it is adult services.  It is a completely foreign environment.  It is a crash course for Sean and I to learn how everything works.  I am staying tonight on a mattress on the floor.  Rory is schedule to be taken down to the operating theatre at 7.30am tomorrow.  It will be a 10-16 hour operation.  After the operation Rory will be in intensive care and they will keep him asleep.  We hope to see him after dinner.  The Doctors will make a decision on Thursday morning when to move Rory and when to bring him around.  He will have numerous lines, tubes, drains and monitoring devices. 

Rory, Colt and I ticked the last thing off our want to do list on Saturday.  We had a plant based ‘icecream’ from Little Liberty Creamery in Inglewood.  It was delicious.  The four of us travelled to Auckland on Sunday and have settled back into Ronald McDonald House.  We were lucky to be allocated an apartment so we have some space.  On Sunday afternoon we did a lap of the Domain under a dark orange sky.  Rory had the PET CT yesterday and thankfully his lungs are clear.  The tumor glowed bright. 

Thank you to our neighbours Brian and Christine for the donation to help with our trip and to the messages of support we have received.