To go or not to go

There are supposed to be two more sleeps until we return to Auckland.  We have all been psyching ourselves up for it.  No one is keen.  Rory will not let us mention Starship or treatment at all while we are home.  We have been to the Children’s Ward at Taranaki Base Hospital this morning.  Rory had blood taken from the port to check his platelet and neutrophil levels are high enough for the next dose of methotrexate.  Rory is no longer neutropenic but both his haemoglobin and platelet levels are low, too low.  We are currently waiting to hear from Starship about whether to travel as scheduled or delay for a couple of days.  Even though we have planned the remainder of chemotherapy we can still only live one day at a time.  Treatment, and our lives, are at the whim of Rory’s blood counts, primarily his platelets.  It is stressful.  Every time there is a delay it requires re-organisation of clinic appointments, chemo delivery, time off work, travel, accommodation with RM House and grocery orders.  It is going to be a long 2+ months. 

Enable Access spent Wednesday outside our front door putting up permanent ramping for Rory so we can now gain access into the house with the wheelchair.  The ramp and rails are impressive.  It is now more difficult for an able-bodied person to get in!  All because of three steps and a slightly sloping section.  If/when we move house access will be a significant consideration. 

Thank you to the Halberg Foundation for the games equipment to keep the boys active, the Salisbury whanau for the grocery voucher and Sanjay and Hells Pizza New Plymouth for dinner last night.  It was a wonderful treat.