WOMAD 2020

Painting R Komene for Rory

We are home.  We pushed through chemotherapy so we could head back yesterday in anticipation of attending Day 3 of WOMAD in New Plymouth today.  We made it in time but were very disappointed when the opportunity crumbled in our hands.  The latest recommendation for CK (cancer kids) on active chemotherapy is to avoid public events, particularly large ones where there is close contact.  This is because the immune system of CKs on treatment is compromised so their bodies are less able to fight Coronavirus.  There was increased risk at WOMAD as some of the artists and visitors are recently from overseas.  Sean and I also needed to minimise any potential risk of Coronavirus entering our home as this would put Rory at risk, compromise his treatment and our ability to support him at Starship.  It was better we didn’t attend either.  We know the risk was small but the repercussions could have been huge.  Hopefully next year will be better.  We would like to thank Mandy, Smokeylemon website design and TAFT (Taranaki Arts Festival Trust) for the incredible gift of the VIP passes.

Coronavirus adds another layer of fear for parents of CK.  Our children are immunocompromised and trying to prevent them being catching the usual illnesses they are exposed to is a challenge; colds, flu, chicken pox, measles, gastro bugs.  It is like navigating a hair-raising Mario Kart course.  Coronavirus is a highly contagious new virus with no current effective treatment.  It could strike a lot of people at the same time and compromise the quality of health care available.  How are we going to keep Rory safe? 

Rory had his final chemotherapy dose yesterday morning.  Rory and I spent 1.5 hours on Ward 27B.  His port was accessed and he received dexrazoxane, doxorubicin and ondancetron for the nausea.  Sean and Colt packed the car, cleaned our room at RM Grafton and picked us up for the trip home.  We arrived back at 4.30pm and unloaded the car into a big pile in the lounge.  Sam and Caitlyn had looked after things very well.  It is a strange feeling being home and knowing it is temporary.  For the past six months our lives have been spent more in Auckland than they have in Inglewood.  It’s like we now belong in two places. 

Thank you to Rowena Komene, Nana and Poppa Honnor’s neighbour, for the beautiful painting she gifted to Rory.